The race struggle has been a part of America for as long as we know, and still today racial issues still happen. The media has played such a huge role in this area because nowadays we get so many ideas and opinions that we don’t necessarily agree with but almost start to believe or become accustomed to because we see it so much. In the newer generations(1990 to present), there haven’t been many race riots, violence and protests and there is no longer government sanctioned segregation that we see like there was in the past. Now the media still plays a role in downplaying African Americans as either high upper class or the complete oposite lower class, criminal and still under White Americans. In television for example, shows like The Cosby Show, a wealthy, classy family with minimal problems is portrayed, Whereas a show like Cops where the majority of the criminals are young Black wild men. Today television has become such an influencial object on societies thoughts and way of living. As result, we have almost natural assumptions about races and actions and whats appropriate and what is not. Therefore from these shows have placed an ideal that Blacks are lower class and to be feared. For example, walking down the street and two men approach you, a Black man and a White man. Which will we be more intimidated by? George Gerbner, a researcher who studies Violence on TV and its effects was worried that TV was creating unrealistic fears for society. So in reality,back to the example, both of the men are really equally capable of being a threat. But televisions image that Blacks are the common examples of crime puts the idea in our head that we should fear African Americans more creating an unconscious segregation in our minds. So my question is, if we are to truly become ONE as a nation to attempt real equality of races, how then will this ideal change?
Does the media realize the effect they have on society unconsciously? and does this mean shows need to change or show other races in a better light and not just focusing on the negative?..who knows..

I really like this blog post and what you had to say. I believe that the media should change some of the stereotypes that we represent as who is bad and who is good. Personally I would be afraid of a man of any color approaching me in the dark or the daytime as well. I have learned from the media that you cannot really trust anyone that may walk up to you while you are alone. I am a big fan of Law and Order and I will say that from what I see the majority of criminals are not black men. There is wide range of characters with different races, ages, sexes and more. I do understand that the majority of shows do not have the same representations, but I am not sure that it will ever change. If the companies continue to earn money and that is their goal I do not see why they would even consider changing anything at all.